A Long December, or 2017 in Review

News from December: I published the second anniversary issue of Whale Road Review, and it is just gorgeous. The Cresset also published a really wonderful review of Tasty Other. I’m so grateful for Rebekah Denison Hewitt’s thoughtful examination of my book!

As for 2017, my time as a Poetry Has Value blogger in 2016 definitely changed the way I submitted my work for publication. I aimed for more paying and top-tier journals than ever before. Here are my stats:

Submissions: 87
Acceptances: 17 (38 poems total)
Paying acceptances: The Cresset, The American Journal of Nursing, Ryga, and Qu ($175 so far, with $100 U.S. and $200 Canadian pending).
Rejections: 48
Still pending: 18
Publications: 13 poems in 9 journals and anthologies (Ink & Letters, The American Journal of Nursing, UnLost Journal, Rogue Agent, The Cresset, Heron Tree, Psaltery & Lyre, The Nice Cage, San Diego Poetry Annual)

For 2018, I hope to spend more time writing and revising, to pull together a new manuscript, and to keeping submitting work widely. I already got my first acceptance and my first rejection of 2018 on January 2 within hours of each other. 🙂

Next up: I’ll be reading poetry tomorrow night at 7 at San Diego Writers, Ink in Liberty Station with Anna DiMartino and Michael Mark.