More Books!

Good news! I’ve now got copies of The Gospel of the Bleeding Woman! It felt good to run out, but I’m happy to have some again in time for all of my March conferences (WTS in San Diego, PCA/ACA in Seattle, and AWP in LA).

If you don’t have a copy yet, you can get one directly from me: $10 by mail (covers shipping), $7 in person. (It’s also on Amazon, but it’s more fun to buy a signed one from me.)

I can also ship a signed copy to any person of your choice for any reason you’d like (Leap Day? Birthday? Easter? Mother’s Day? Talk Like a Pirate Day?). Check my contact page and send me an email if you’d like one (or even more than one… I’m open to group discounts if you want to buy a bunch!).

NOTE: I also have a handful of copies of I Awake in My Womb if you need to satisfy your desire for strange pregnancy dream poems. 🙂