Mom Egg Review (x2)

Mom Egg Review is one of my very favorite journals, and I’ve been thrilled to have two poems featured with MER in the last few months (even if I’m behind on posting about it here… I do like to stretch out celebrations). 🙂

In January, my poem “Which Way Do You Want to Go?” from my newly completed manuscript 28,065 Nights was featured alongside art by Natalie Ramus in Issue 35 of M.A.M.A. (Mothers Are Making Art), a monthly collaboration between The ProCreate Project, the Museum of Motherhood, and Mom Egg Review. This poem first appeared in Mom Egg Review, vol. 16.

In February, my “Love Poem with Teeth” was published in the MER VOX love folio just in time for Valentine’s Day. (Spoiler alert: this poem reveals the true identity of the tooth fairy.)

I’m grateful to Marjorie Tesser and the rest of the Mom Egg Review staff for their work and for their support of my poems!