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Mom Egg Review (x2)

Mom Egg Review is one of my very favorite journals, and I’ve been thrilled to have two poems featured with MER in the last few months (even if I’m behind on posting about it here… I do like to stretch out celebrations). 🙂

In January, my poem “Which Way Do You Want to Go?” from my newly completed manuscript 28,065 Nights was featured alongside art by Natalie Ramus in Issue 35 of M.A.M.A. (Mothers Are Making Art), a monthly collaboration between The ProCreate Project, the Museum of Motherhood, and Mom Egg Review. This poem first appeared in Mom Egg Review, vol. 16.

In February, my “Love Poem with Teeth” was published in the MER VOX love folio just in time for Valentine’s Day. (Spoiler alert: this poem reveals the true identity of the tooth fairy.)

I’m grateful to Marjorie Tesser and the rest of the Mom Egg Review staff for their work and for their support of my poems!

“Ojo Caliente” in AJN

My prose poem “Ojo Caliente” was published in the January issue of the American Journal of Nursing! I love that this peer-reviewed nursing journal includes a creative piece in each issue! Nurses are the best.

Thanks to Elizabeth Ann Dark for calling me a star and to Jen Stewart Fueston for taking us to the hot springs.



Two poems from my Bible project were published in the 60th anniversary issue of december in amazing company! This feels like a good publication to end the year. 😊

You should definitely get a copy of this issue and read the other pieces, especially the short story by Marge Piercy.

Two Poems in Petrichor

Two of my Bible project poems, “The Book of Denial” and “The Book of Mist,” are published in the new issue of petrichor.

I’m glad to have my poems in the company of work by Adam Stutz, Darren C. Demaree, and other brilliant writers too. Thanks to editor Seth Copeland for including my poems!

The Glen Workshop

Over the first week of August, I got to attend the Glen Workshop in Santa Fe. I spent the mornings alongside some of my favorite poets in a workshop that was led by Scott Cairns.

In the afternoons, I attended readings, or I left campus with friends to sit at cafes and write beside each other and indulge in amazing food.

In the evenings, I listened to music and poetry, read poetry to others, joined a sing-along, danced, talked, and laughed a lot. This gathering of writers, artists, and musicians who care about beauty and faith are my people, and it was wonderful to be in their company.

Pandemic: A Love Poem

I wrote a love poem that uses my favorite board game, Pandemic, and also mentions vomit. You’re welcome, world. 

Thanks to Connotation Press and Julie Brooks Barbour for publishing it today! This one is extra special to me, and I’m glad it found a good home.

Caffeine Corridor Reading Series

I’d been wanting to do a poetry reading in my hometown for a long time. I made contact with Phoenix poets and got a reading scheduled as part of my Tasty Other book tour, and I finally got to read at the Caffeine Corridor Reading Series on May 11!

It was so special to have several family members and friends in the audience.

I also loved meeting and hearing fellow reader Trish Justrish, the poets who performed at the open mic, and the reading series hosts: Shawnte Orion, Bill Campana, and Jack Evans. What a cool community of poets!

Thanks, Bill Campana, for your humor.

Thanks, Jack Evans, for your generous affirmation of my work.

Thanks, Shawnte Orion, for arranging for me to read at Caffeine Corridor and for declaring me the poet laureate of North Canyon High School. 🙂